Monday, 1 July 2013

शाकाहारी मुर्गा !

हाँ हम शाकाहारी हैं पर मुर्गा भी खाते हैं
छाती के साथ साथ टंगरी भी खूब चबाते हैं
आजन्म जनेउधारी रहने का प्रण अवश्य लिया है
पर आलू और मुर्गे में भेदभाव नहीं कर पाते हैं ।
हाँ हम शाकाहारी हैं पर मुर्गा भी खाते हैं ।

जब एक किलो पनीर के दाम में दो हष्ट-पुष्ट तंदरुस्त मुर्गे आ जाये
तो महापंडित जी आप ही बताएं हम चिकन लौलीपॉप क्यों न खाएं
ये मुर्गे बड़े गुणकारी हैं पेट की भूख बढाते हैं
भोजन-आनंद के बाद पाचन क्रिया को भी संतुलित करवाते हैं ।

अब भिन्डी 10 और मटर 12 में मुट्ठी भर ही आ पाते हैं
इसलिए मुर्गे के अभाव में हम अंडे से काम चलाते हैं
आमलेट, अंडा करी और सेहतमंद उबले अंडे जब पास बुलाते हैं
तो मैगी खाने वाले भी दौड़ दौड़ के आते हैं ।

मुर्गा खाने वालो को दुत्कारने वालो सुन लो
हाँ हम शाकाहारी हैं पर मुर्गा भी खाते हैं ।

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

The ‘Apology’ Paradox

With so much to regret in such a short time frame, I often wonder what constitutes a perfect apology or to say it simply how to get the ‘wrongs’ right.  Some arbit dictionary defines it as --
 “An acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon for a fault or offense, a statement that excuses or defends something, such as a past action or a policy”, definitely a literature definition, can't expect to be more useful than a discussion report we submit in our labs.

Some people are actually very smart, rather than a regret expression, playing with a few words makes an apology turn into a win-win situation. For instance, consider this apology “I am sorry if I behaved in some way that offended you and you think I should apologize but believe me, I didn't do anything wrong.” So, from 0-1 down you are actually 2-1 up, because not only did you apologize but rested your case in your favor.  It’s like saying “I’m sorry that you are stupid :p "

Sometimes it’s the other way out, when you really regret and want to make amends to what you had earlier done in the wrong intent or result and you turn up to the ‘offended person’ realizing your mistake and put it simply “I am sorry, it was my fault, how do I correct it” and the other person (in most cases the fairer sex, P.S. I’m not a sexist) gets a ‘Brahmashtra’ he/she would save your apology in the memory bank and since he/she is 1-0 up, he/she gets a license first to do anything to you, to offend you and then get released without the ‘apology’ bail.

So, this is what confuses me, if Apology is nothing more than a tool to set scores right, then how does one actually feel sorry and communicate it to the other end? If the two ends of the apologetic channel are not on the same page in the definition of apology, how do you actually expect error free transmission? L
(suggestions definitely needed)

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Gender Selection: The difference between ‘quality’ and ‘Equality’

Gender Selection: The difference between ‘quality’ and ‘Equality’
“It’s the cool spring season of blossoms and flowers, I can’t see much but hear my mum n papa talk that march is approaching and I will be 3 months soon, I can’t wait to see the b’ful world through my own tiny sparkling eyes. I hear people congratulating my mum, they are expecting me in some time, the future plans are on the cards though it’s not yet final, papa still insisting for me to be a doc while mum is adamant on a cricketer. Everyone is excited and me too. I can hear it all through these tubes, the soft belly of my mum keeping me safe till I am ready for this world………
There’s a lull today, I don’t understand why. We visited the doc, couldn’t understand what he said, everyone was quite. Grandma was home too, I don’t like her. She was cursing my sweet mum. Heard a few slaps too, felt like something’s really wrong. Don’t know what it means but she said I am just a mistake again, the unwanted…….
We are visiting the doc again, mum is crying, I don’t want that. Is it me? The doc says it will take just an hour and everything will be ok, I don’t understand what’s wrong. I can feel a needle poking me, it pains a lot. I feel exhausted, drenched out. Are they taking me out in the real world, but it’s not the right time I guess and why is it paining so much. I am losing senses, I hope when I am out of this heavenly womb, I bring a smile on some faces, faces which will watch me grow and bloom and one day be made proud. Oh no, it’s killing me, doc please no………. “
An excerpt from the diary of a blessed fetus

Sentiments aside, are we living in a state of democracy that symbolizes equality and liberty and rights. Well, did the historians, the draft committee members of the constitution fail to mention a basic fundamental right, the Right to Life. Oh yes, I am sorry, I forgot about the ‘Medical Termination of pregnancy act’ and something like a ‘Prenatal Diagnostic Technique act’. It’s a crime on paper to kill a female feticide and some harsh punishments been listed. The truth is as I put it blank paper with no signatory to take the blame.

Bit I am confused, boggled actually. I hear everyone calling female feticide an evil, from the dark corners to the enlightened ones; everyone seems to be encouraging the girl child. Who’s the culprit then? The falling sex ratios in most parts, the demographics of states like Haryana, Bihar, UP and many more speak a lot.

It seems to be a question of equality versus quality, is the masculine gender better in quality and thus it’s preferred, the carrier of one’s genes; is it always the son, what’s wrong if the daughter can carry your name ahead too. Who decides that the soft child in the womb will serve his parents and this nation better only if it’s a XY chromosome?